Early 1/6 Plate Thermoplastic Union Antique Photograph Case Largest Geometric


  • Great Antique Photograph case with Geometric Artwork
  • Largest of the 1/6 Plate size cases, Black Thermoplastic, Early versions of the embedded hinges
  • “Geometric with Scallop Contour” (Berg 3-60)
  • Great addition to any Case Collection!


SKU: 64563 Category: Photography Tags: 1800s, Antiques, Photographs, Union Case, Victorian


Poor/fair condition, but not very common. Couple of large cracks on the lid, large chipped bottom corner and chip on the clasp. Each hinge area is damaged, which is typical for this earlier hinge design. I don’t see obvious evidence of any repair work. Hinges and clasp are however still functional and the case holds closed/opens with no issue (I’d just be gentle on the hinges). Interior pad has a bit of wear.


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