Antique Cabinet Card Photo Large Family Lewiston Maine

Nice antique cabinet card formal photo featuring a large family. 

There are two adults and six children pictured. 

The children look to range in age from about 15 years to just a few months. 

The mustached father is seated center looking directly at the camera.  He is wearing a three piece suit and tie with a pocket watch chain showing. 

The wife is seated to his side in a long dress with brooch at the collar.  The youngest baby is in her lap. 

The oldest daughter is to the other side of the father, dressed similar to the mother. 

The other four children are finely dressed and are arranged standing around the older family members. 

The bottom of the photo is stamped “H. Larock, Cabinet Portraits, Lewiston, ME”. 

The print and the sides of the card are detailed in red.  

Card measures 6-1/2″ x 4-1/4″.


Light soiling and edge wear on the card and image. Displays well


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